Monday, April 6, 2009

Dedication to victims of 911

I made this video for my 5th graders to watch on 9-11. It was amazing to me how many of them didn't even know the events that took place. It was a great way for us to discuss how hatred can destroy people and how very lucky we are to live in a country where our freedom is protected every day. My students cried many tears at the thought of how cruel people can be, they shared out how they can make a difference, be the example, and take pride in the freedoms we enjoy. Although the video is a bit disturbing, I hope you enjoy it and reflect on how blessed we are.


Heywood Clan said...

Wow Cindie....That was AWESOME!!!! Thanks for sharing it with us! I think it's so important for us all to be reminded of that day!

Bryan & Bobbie said...

That was really great. That was such a tragic event in our history. It is good to remember it and to remember those those that who lost their lives. We should also remember those and thank those who defend our freedoms. Thank you for sharing this video.