Saturday, March 14, 2009

A Needed Girl's Night

Lisa, Mandi & I set out for a night on the town, not knowing where we were headed...just that we were kidless and bound to find some fun!!!

On the way off to our girl's night adventure, we dabbled in a little Chinese fire drill...

We ended up at a little jazz club that played some awesome music, but had to be idiots and take stupid pictures...everyone knows a night out with me can't go without some serious immaturity!

Toward the end of the night, Lisa was tired, so she cuddled up in my "parka"...I'm always getting crap for having this thing from Lisa...doesn't look like she's complaining now!!!

Lisa keeping us awake and LAUGHING on the ride home...

1 comment:

Edie and Luke said...

It looks like you guys had a great time! You always have a good time- no matter where you are girl! :)