Monday, February 16, 2009

Eric's Company in the Daily Press

Exquadrum works on a lot of projects. However, this one really seems to be getting people's attention...check it out!!! Click on each pic, then it will be large enough to read.


harwood said...

I read this when it came out — sounds IMPRESSIVE! Just for fun I googled Exquadrum Turbine and this article (or portions of it) has been reprinted on multiple sites.

And, if you google just Exquadrum you'll get pages and pages of surprises.

Edie and Luke said...

That is so great! Congratulations on getting the interest of so many! We miss you guys and hope we can hang out soon!

Carrie and Jim said...

I want one in my back yard.


Cathie said...

We were happy to read this article in the paper. We all know Eric is a genius!

Cameron Scott said...

Give me a few years...soon I'll be doing work like that.

PS: That blue frame on the turbine...I painted that.


The Real Jim Heywood said...

Very cool.

Hey Cindie, I've been wanting to email Eric. Will you email me his address?
